Mark LeBoeuf

Mark LeBoeuf

Data Scientist

I love asking big questions and answering them with data. My background is in Psychology and Statistics, and it’s been a blast seeing how these fields have co-evolved over the years. I currently work as a data scientist, and I started this blog as a way to document a few of the more interesting topics I’ve encountered throughout my journeys. The goal is to abstract away some of the technical bits in an attempt to give you (the reader) the ability to implement while learning. I’m always interested in connecting with fellow data-scientists/whisperers/magicians/analysts, so feel free to PM me on linkedin!

  • Machine Learning
  • Forecasting
  • Causal Inference
  • Experimentation
  • MS in Analytics, 2015

    Northwestern University McCormick School of Engineering

  • PhD in Experimental Psychology, 2014

    DePaul University

  • MA in Experimental Psychology, 2012

    DePaul University

  • BA in Psychology, 2009

    Miami University
